Supporting Asian American Youth in Academic and Career Decision-Making

Dec 13, 2020, 7:30PM ET

Students are more likely to find success when they perceive that they are understood and supported by their parents. However, adult and child perceptions of "support" may differ greatly. How can parents support Asian American youth in academic and career decision-making? This webinar is for parents of high school and college students and will address the importance of emotional support and positive communication for students' academic success and mental wellness. Topics will be explored through a live, moderated skit led by Dr. Eunice Yuen.

Dr. Eunice Yuen, MD, PhD, is a child and adult psychiatry fellow at the Yale Child Study Center. Dr. Yuen grew up in Hong Kong, moved to the US in her late teens, and is now the mother of two Asian American children. She is the founder and director of Compassionate Home, Action Together (CHATogether), which uses drama vignettes as educational tools to promote emotional wellness in Asian-American children, young adults, and parents.

In response to parents’ need for communication tips, we have generated a fact sheet. Download to learn more.

In response to parents’ need for communication tips, we have generated a fact sheet. Download to learn more.

“How to Talk about Other Majors”: a comic by Nealie Ngo on a conversation between parents and their child about his college major.

“How to Talk about Other Majors”: a comic by Nealie Ngo on a conversation between parents and their child about his college major.


We are clinicians, educators, and researchers who are passionate about understanding and promoting the emotional health and psychological resilience of students and scholars from diverse cultural backgrounds.


Supporting Asian American Youth in Academic and Career Decision-Making


What I Wish My Teachers Understood About Me: A Conversation on Asian & Asian American Cultural Identity